How to prolong the life of your aluminium glazing
Due to aluminium being corrosion-resistant, a huge advantage of aluminium framed glazing is the lack of maintenance they require.
The average life expectancy of aluminium windows and doors is around 45 years, which is extensive compared to UPVC glazing systems which can only last around 30 years.
Aluminium glazing does not need as much maintenance as UPVC or timber, however, there are steps that can be taken to ensure that the systems reach their full potential.
This article will cover these steps, if you have any more questions please get in touch and our technical team will be able to help.

Using the right coating
Having a Polyester Powder Coating on the aluminium frames helps to retain the longevity of the aluminium glazing systems.
This coating not only colours the frames but provides a protective layer that prevents rust and aids in weather proofing.
If the glazing systems are in a harsh environment such as a marine environment, there are other coatings available for the glazing systems.
In a marine environment a marine grade coating can be applied to prevent the salty air corroding the metal.
Cleaning twice a year
Aluminium frames do not need cleaning often; however they should be cleaned every six months.
For the outer section of the frames, a gentle sweep around the area and then a vacuum will remove any debris that could cause damage to the system.
This is especially important in sliding and bifold doors where debris in the track could prevent easy sliding and obstruct the rollers.
Using a low maintenance coating on the glass means it won’t need to be cleaned as frequently but it is still good practice to clean the whole system at least twice a year.

Cleaning with the right products
It is vital that you take caution when it comes to the cleaning product used on aluminium framed glazing systems.
Simple solutions are best, a damp cloth is enough to clean the frames.
For the glass, a mix of warm water and soap or a non-abrasive glass cleaner is all that is needed.
Yearly checks
One a year check that all aspects of the systems are working and damage-free. If there is an issue with the locking mechanism, for example, make sure it is repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage.
Ensure that any seals, tracks, rollers, etc are running smoothly and are not damaged or worn.
If there is damage to any part of the system, leaving this can result in more damage in the long term.
Fixing any damages as soon as they happen will help prolong the life of your aluminium framed glazing systems.
As aluminium is resistant to corrosion, decay and rust the glazing systems can withstand harsh environments such as internal pool areas and bathrooms.
It is important to discuss your plans with a member of our team so we can be certain that your systems have the right protective coatings if necessary.
Overall aluminium framed glazing is largely maintenance free, but by taking these steps you can ensure your windows and doors have a long and dutiful life.
For more information contact our technical team to discuss your project in more detail.
To talk to the team, call 01494 722 882 or email [email protected]

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